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I woke up relatively early today after a full eight hours of sleep. Now this is a blessing of sorts for me for it is rare that I get to see the morning sun without the haze of a hangover or sleep deprivation. I am a chronic insomniac and my hours do get messed up quite easily either by chemicals or by choice.

I suppose I have to attribute the newfound normalcy of my sleeping habits to doughnuts.

Yep. Them round little treats that wreak havoc on a many a persons' diets. I have heard some people argue about the metaphysics of the doughnut hole (Is the hole an absence of doughnut or is it a physical entity in itself?) I for one would rather take my dougnuts at face value and stuff myself with them.

They're just doughnuts for crissakes!!

Then last night at 8 p.m., my two friends and I decided to head to that new little doughnut shop in makati to buy and take home some Sunday night snacks. We've been to this shop twice before and on both occasions, it was nothing but a twenty minute transaction. Last night though turned out to be completely different as the line snaked from our little doughnut shop all the way to the noritake ceramic sale display. It was unbelievably a two hour wait. And the people just kept on coming. This was no longer an ordinary doughnut shop. This was a cult. And whatever truth the term "just dougnuts" held for me was erased.

As with most things, I try to look at what I have gained from last night's doughnut fiasco, which, leads me to my return to normal sleeping patterns. The wait at the doughnut shop exhausted me and this was eventually compounded by me crashing, after the sugar rush from the doughnuts. So it was nightey night for me by 11:30 p.m.

Now, if only I could get my lazy ass to the gym...