
I feel like someone put a spotlight to my face and yelled,"Hello there!" Today was a creamfull of odd but then I had experienced great relief at the end of the day to top it all off. It seems that I am suddenly a blackhole for activity. I received..let me count them...five business calls today which is quite a record considering how things have been going.

First, it seems that I have won a two nights stay at any Day's Hotel in the Philippines (most probably a bait for multi-level marketing or a time-sharing scam). Next came a very bubbly but rather annoying girl who said that I was pre-qualified for a credit card. She claimed that I was assured of a 90 percent chance of approval. The term "I'm unemployed!" suddenly brought me to the 10 percent bracket. I gave her Gary's number since she was asking for a referral. Thinking that was the end of it, she called up five minutes later to say that Gary already had a credit card of the bank she was working for and that she needed another referral.


Next came a job order (Yehey! Business is picking up!) Then came the two calls asking if I was free for a job interview tomorrow and Thursday respectively. Suddenly my week was booked, bebe!

Then came Mikey's call. He had just crossed the street under the Katipunan flyover when he heard an explosion. On the other side of the road, a grenade had gone off and had injured four women.

Mikey was very much shaken but unharmed. That alone is enough reason for me to shout out a big THANK YOU!!!! to the Guy upstairs.


I tried to sit in a conversation with Ning and Maita this morning. Now I know how Cito Beltran feels when he interviews people who are obviously smarter than him (which is everybody). The first ten minutes of the conversation were painless. We just talked about the usual stuff like...hmmm...okay we were talking about Mikey and Alice! Hahaha! But a few minutes later, the words Nationalism, Marxism, Capitalism, and other -ism's came into the discussion and that left me burrying my head in Ning's chair and drooling like a St. Bernard (sorry Ning!)

Ning and Maita are probably two of the smartest people among the not so young Abola's/Sayo's (sorry Francis! You're just too wierd) I on the other hand would like to think that I am hopelessly hoi poloi. Oops..I'm on screensaver mode again where I am a red face Japanese monkey playing with his doodie all day long.