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Of Oven Toasters and Badminton Girls

My inspiration for the day is the instruction manual that came with the new oven toaster. After trying to decipher it for about 10 minutes (I quote," 'Pa, Pa' sound may be hear during operation, this is normal since, it is the expansion and contraction sound of the oven."),I decided to move on to more productive things. So here is my own instruction manual based on how the day played out.

1. Wake up from a dream that ends with a strange girl whacking you on the head with a badminton racket.
2. Take a moment and realize that oddly enough, that racket wielding girl gave you the heebee geebees and that your heart is pounding.
3.Wipe the cold sweat from your brow and get up from bed.
4.Say hello to your two adoring fans and shower them with affection even if they are not human.
5. Have your breakfast of champions.
6.After breakfast, realize that it is already an hour away from lunch.
7.Have lunch anyway.
8.Sit down to the PBL championship and watch your team win.
9.Go to the neighborhood computer store and buy supplies for the family computers.
10. Have dinner with your father and brother.
11.Reduce your brain to mush by playing PS2 for two hours.
12.Prepare a hotdog sandwich and smother it with Dijon.
13.Have hotdog sandwich as snack. Wash down snack with can of beer.
14. Watch the English Premier League while consuming food. Think to yourself," Wow. Why so manly?".
15.Read indecipherable oven toaster manual.
16. Write your blog.

I realize though that this set of sixteeen steps is more of a product of boredom rather than inspiration. Everything but the strange badminton girl was on autopilot today. So here goes my automated sigh.

"Pa, Pa"