I tried to sit in a conversation with Ning and Maita this morning. Now I know how Cito Beltran feels when he interviews people who are obviously smarter than him (which is everybody). The first ten minutes of the conversation were painless. We just talked about the usual stuff like...hmmm...okay we were talking about Mikey and Alice! Hahaha! But a few minutes later, the words Nationalism, Marxism, Capitalism, and other -ism's came into the discussion and that left me burrying my head in Ning's chair and drooling like a St. Bernard (sorry Ning!)
Ning and Maita are probably two of the smartest people among the not so young Abola's/Sayo's (sorry Francis! You're just too wierd) I on the other hand would like to think that I am hopelessly hoi poloi. Oops..I'm on screensaver mode again where I am a red face Japanese monkey playing with his doodie all day long.
Ning and Maita are probably two of the smartest people among the not so young Abola's/Sayo's (sorry Francis! You're just too wierd) I on the other hand would like to think that I am hopelessly hoi poloi. Oops..I'm on screensaver mode again where I am a red face Japanese monkey playing with his doodie all day long.