
The bees that had invaded our lanai for the past week were suddenly gone this morning. Manong had dubbed our insect visitors "Existential Bees" since everyone was asking "Where did they come from?" They occupied one corner of the ceiling and it was always disquieting seeing that mass of brown and black continually pulsate and reshape itself.

And seemingly wanting to bleed the mysticism and zen out of the situation, the bees just upped and left without a trace.


I finally started cleaning out my room. And amidst all the old college papers, empty cd cases, and electronic oddities, I think i stumbled upon an epiphany: For every room that has been held immaculate and spotless, there lies a locked closet full of junk.

I guess the same thing goes for people.


This is cool :)


On the drive home from Sunday dinner with the family, I turned on the radio just in time to hear the opening strums of "Tears All Over Town" by A Girl Called Eddy. I have heard this song countless times in the past two months and have listened to it on several night drives. It was different this time though hearing it being played on the radio.

This song belongs to the city. And it was being broadcasted over the airwaves where it could kiss every nook and cranny of this town. That for me made the city lights glow a little brighter tonight.

By the way, Maita, Kafka literally means "crow" in Czech. That's all I can say about that now. Don't worry. I'm almost done with the book :)